Common Laser Hair Removal Myths – Answered by Experts


All human beings are built different biologically. These differences range from our heights, down to the shapes of our faces and even how fast our skin hair can grow. You might be wondering how a full-grown man has a very smooth skin, and a young teenage girl has hair all over her body. It all boils down to the genes. Over the better part of 2 decades, beauty care experts and biological scientists developed an easy solution for people with fast skin hair growth. This method is called laser hair removal. This method involves using laser lights to destroy hair follicles. Since this method doesn’t involve the regular use of cream and shaving instruments, there are some unfounded myths and wrong assertions about the process. Even though this hair removal method was approved for commercial sales as far back as 1996, people have a lot of questions as to the viability of this procedure.

This informational article hopes to provide you with answers to some of the more popular questions that are being asked about laser hair removal.

Can I wax after laser hair removal treatment?

There are three methods you can use when it comes to hair removal. The first and probably the most popular method is shaving. This method is the most comfortable for removing facial hair, pubic hair and armpit hair. All you have to do is apply your cream, and the shaving stick will take care of the rest. However, if you want to get rid of the hair around certain parts of the body; such as the legs, chest and arms, the most effective method will be either waxing or laser hair treatment. Two of them are good methods. However, they should not be done consecutively. This is because while the waxing method aims to remove your skin hair by pulling it out of its roots, the laser hair removal treatment destroys the hair follicle and prevents blood from getting to it. It can be counter-productive and painful if you try to wax your skin immediately after a laser hair removal process.

What is the waxing vs laser hair removal pros and cons?

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. This includes your hair removal process. Here are the pros and cons of each method you choose.

Pros (Why laser hair removal is better than waxing)

  • Major hair reduction in treated parts of the skin. This method is very detailed and keeps your hair count at the bares minimum
  • Unlike other methods of hair removal, your hair doesn’t need to grow back considerably before you can repeat the process.
  • Laser hair removal treatment doesn’t take up too much of your time. You can get an area of the skin done within a short period.
  • The process is considered painless by many.

Cons (Why waxing is better than laser hair removal)

  • Unlike the laser hair removal treatment, the waxing process doesn’t just evacuate hair completely from your skin, and it also takes with it; dead skin cells and other unwanted elements.
  • When using the laser hair removal treatment, you are at risk of burns and scars. The opposite is the case when you opt for waxing.
  • It is not expensive to get your skin waxed.
  • Unlike the laser hair removal method that targets the pigmentation of the hair during removal, waxing removes all the hair it comes across. This makes it suitable for people with different skin types.

The summary of the above is simply that each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The best thing for you is to find a process that agrees with your skin.

How to reverse laser hair removal?

Even though the laser hair removal method is commonly tagged as a permanent solution to hair removal, this is usually not the case. Perhaps you had overflowing beards and decided to treat it with the laser hair removal process, and now you want your beard back, know you are not the only one with this experience. Since this process is designed to damage your hair follicles (the organs responsible for growing hair), you may have to wait a few months/ years before you begin to see substantial growth on that skin area. If you cannot wait that long, you can ask your dermatologists about PRP injections and perhaps hair transplant in extreme scenarios.

How often can I perform laser hair removal?

As we have already established, laser hair removal is designed to damage the hair follicles. This objective cannot be achieved after one session; therefore, dermatologists schedule multiple sessions with each session spacing about four to six weeks. While these sessions are generally short and time-saving, the entire process can take up to six to nine months depending on your skin texture and well you are responding to the treatment. You are however advised to discuss extensively with your dermatologists to figure out which schedule works for you.

How to remove dead hair after laser removal treatment?

After you are done treating your hair with lasers, most of the residual dead hair that might still be growing will not automatically come off. You have to get them out to feel the maximum effect of the laser hair removal process. The best way to get them out is by shaving them away. This allows your skin to breathe and get ready for your next session. Waxing your skin at this point will cause pain and is not advised.


As we have already learned, the laser hair removal method works by damaging the hair follicles; the hair follicles are responsible for hair sprouting. In simpler terms, this means that people who have rapid hair growth do not have to worry about keeping the hair in control anymore. You also don’t need to endure the pain that comes from bi-monthly waxing. This process is completely safe; however, it should only be carried out by people with extensive knowledge of the process. Most of the myths on this process are just that; myths. Try to contact your dermatologists so you can better explore and understand the benefits of the laser hair removal process.